OK, I am just super excited because I got the part of Papageno in "The Magic Flute". Hurray!
Bonnie Somerville - Winding Road
Twitter Updates
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Pa... Pa, Pa...
Posted by DJ at 2:11 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
Fun Time Fridays!
Well, I auditioned for scholarships. It went well. It kind of felt like juries, except more relaxed. And now I am hanging out with Emily Matthews. Fun time Fridays! Nothing too important going on tonight... oh, except for opera, ha! Come see some wonderful scenes! :-)
Posted by DJ at 9:42 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
It Has Just Been One Of Those Days
YAY! It has been a great day, vocally speaking at least.
I sang in studio today and even I was happy with how it sounded. Of course, my diction will always need a little work, Harrell herself even said that it was just this fantastic sound coming out of me. It's nice when I ACTUALLY sing, she says! Ha!
Also, I had a coaching with Seitz over two of the Papageno aria's (we are doing "The Magic Flute" next semester) and that went fantastic. Now, I may be crazy (and who is to say that I am not!) but I think I have a REALLY good shot at getting the role of Papageno. I tell ya what... if I can go into auditions and sing like I did today (or better even), then I really won't even care too much about what role I get because I am FINALLY noticing and hearing this drastic improvment in my voice... and it's about time!
Thanks Mrs. Harrell! And Trent! And Crabb! And Seitz!
Heck, thanks to L. Lang who helped me a bit last year too ;-)
Good mood today or what? Hope all is well for... well.. whoever reads this. Ciao!
Posted by DJ at 3:26 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I Am So Silly
But seriously. Do you ever get upset or frustrated at a situation over which you have no control and then get upset at yourself for getting upset. OK, maybe it's just me.
Without going into any detail, I have decided (a while ago actually) to take this negative energy and spin it around so that it will benefit me in the near future. Positive thinking, right? It's really hard to do sometimes, but I know that I just have to keep working that much harder and eventually it will pay off.
In other news, I am thinking of having a party for you next semester. That's right, for YOU! :-) A party in honor of all of the wonderful people in my life. Hopefully you will be able to attend (date is TBA)!
Posted by DJ at 11:00 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Check It Out!
A new blog to which I will help contribute!
Also, I love She & Him.
Posted by DJ at 1:28 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
So Here's The Part Where You Make Your Choice
Like it or not (and I do like it) we have a brand new president in Barack Obama.
Last night was a night I will remember for a very long time. Listening to Barack speak, I became overwhelmed with emotions and I felt compelled to go out and help my community, my peers and my country. I finally have a sense of pride for our country again (go for it "gotcha media", spin my words to make me a freedom hating bum!).
The past few months have been truly inspriring and not just from Mr. Obama but from my generation. Never have I seen my peers become so truly excited or involved in something that is so important for our country. It was amazing seeing people my age get out there and campaign, knock on doors and encourage other people our age to actually vote. I feel I can speak on behalf of all of my peers and say we are not as apathetic as older generations would like to think. This election has sparked life back into my generation and never have I been so proud.
We really do have the power now... we really do have the capability to achieve our dreams and to succeed in any and every aspect of life.
We are the future, every single of one us. Make your choice.
Are you ready to be strong?
Posted by DJ at 1:53 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Oops! I Suck At This Thing!
Sorry for the lack of posts lately! I haven't even been that busy...
Well, I now have a NEW job at Lakota Coffee. I'm a barista and I know how to make a mean espresso, so look out. I'll jumping on the 40 hrs a week bus soon enough to so I can, ya know... survive life.
Halloween is coming up and as per the usual, I have tons of ideas but I can't seem to narrow it down to one costume... just yet. Last year's costume is almost too hard to beat (I was Facebook). But rest assure, once I decide, pictures will be posted!
Also, if anyone is in the Columbia area on Saturday and you want a great way to get over your Halloween hangover, head on over to the First Baptist Church on Broadway for the University Singers Concert! It is definitely a new from last year, but everyone is working really hard and I think that hard work will finally pay off.
Until next time...
(I don't REALLY know what that is suppose to mean... so... how about I just say... bye!)
ANNNNNNND you are welcome Aunt Karen ;)
Posted by DJ at 2:34 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
YAY! I got a job at The Upper Crust here in Columbia. I'll be making coffee and serving up delicious breakfast on Tuesday mornings and then I'll be looking good and throwing wine and cake at people on Friday and Saturday nights! Let's go tips!
Now, I just need to get this lab. technician job to help make my life a little more financially stable. If anyone feels like sending me money, please feel free. K thanks!
Posted by DJ at 5:35 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
This Is What I Would Look Like As A Real Frat Boy...
... Sick, isn't it? More updates to come in the near future (and they will be a bit more relevant as well).
Posted by DJ at 6:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I Would Love...
... to actually contribute to society. Now I know that sounds weird and vague and unfortunately I am not awake enough to fully elaborate on that statement. But I think it would be awesome if I could find a way to contribute to my community in a selfless manner. Harder to do than you think.
Don't read into this too much, it's basically just my random thought of the day before I go to sleep.
Posted by DJ at 12:20 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
OK, so I don't want to jinx it but... I think I got the serving job at Les Bourgeois Winery which would equally phenomenal tips. Tips so great, they could cover rent from just one night of serving... no joke. Also, Kaldi's Coffee needs morning help and I happen to be a morning person ;) so I am going to apply there as well and attempt to sway the opinions of the higher-ups to hire me.
As always, I'll keep you updated!
Posted by DJ at 12:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
If Mccain/Palin get elected...
... I will be getting certified to teach English in a different country.
Posted by DJ at 12:40 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Happy Birthday To Jew
Oh God, that title is so wrong.
I had a wonderful time this weekend. During opera on Friday, I made our professor cry during my aria and it totally caught me off guard. (PS- I'm in the Britten opera "Albert Herring"... exciting!) She might have had something in her eye like dust or a finger, I don't know. But I'd like to think otherwise. Later that night, I went with a few friends and we played mini golf and then went to Chevy's. Nothing too exciting, but I had a lot of fun.
On Saturday, I had to get up early for the U Singers retreat. Note: 9 a.m. is and always will be too early to sing. Old Dr. Crabb came back for about 2 minutes during out rehearsal because the new freshmen (which encompass half of the group now) could not tell the difference between major and minor and it happened 7 times in a row. It was scary and wonderful at the same time.
After that, I showered and went to STL with Craig and Matt to celebrate Jordan's birthday. We met up with Joey and Angie and went to a piano bar. While the smoking inside the bar was a total let down (I'm use to the smoking ban) the experience of a piano bar was new and exciting.
Now it's Sunday and I'm actually acting as an alumni during the Phi Mu Alpha meeting. Good to see the old brothers again.
Woo... busy weekend and now I get to look forward to another long week. I'll keep y'all updated!
Posted by DJ at 3:39 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
And Then There Were None
Today I was getting lunch in Memorial Union (my normal pita bread, hummus and random fruit) and then I started looking around for people... who aren't here anymore. I don't know how I feel about that yet.
Erm... more to come... later... I'm a hungry hippo.
Posted by DJ at 9:42 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Who Even Gets That Anymore?
So it turns out that I have pneumonia. A not so quick trip to the hospital Sunday night helped answer that question. After taking X-Rays of my chest, it was revealed that my right lung is filled with fluids and is slightly swollen... what that basically means is that I cough up a lot of stuff and every time I cough or breathe or even move my right side it feels like a bunch of daggers are stabbing me. Oh, and I sweat a lot too! Awesome!
Welcome back! Ha!
Posted by DJ at 11:45 AM 1 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I'm Sick...
...I'll be back home in Missouri this weekend. That's all for now.
Posted by DJ at 2:33 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Music & Age
Today I spent some time getting back some old music that I had lost to my old PC. I downloaded every album of Bad Relgion, a guilty pleasure of mine.
I have also recently discovered a new band (but not so new, they have been around since at least 2002) call The Devil Makes Three. They are very folky, they remind of a lot of The Shins.
I also had a few email conversations with Ms. Harrell and she, as always, warmed my heart. You see, I am concerned about doing opera this year just because I will be a week late to school AND we have a new opera director. The last thing I want is to make a bad impression on a new faculty member at MU. After expression my concern, Ms. Harrell replied with :
"I can grease the wheels with the new opera director, so will do that when I get the chance. You are just the kind of kid I like, so no worries about being silly or over analytical. Looking forward..."
That is awesome! It's good to know that I have people who support me in this life changing decision, especially people who will be giving me a grade.
Oh... and I turn 23 on Friday. I'm not really freaking out about it either. It's just 23, nothing to really get overly excited about. I'm not even certain what I am doing on my birthday, but I am sure I will let the blog know when the I figure it out.
Posted by DJ at 9:37 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
Do I Always Need A Title?
Lately, I have found myself hanging out a really cool coffee shop located either in or very near what the Sacramento folk like to call "Lavender Heights". Those of you who are familiar with that color probably don't need an explanation. Those of you who still don't get it... sorry.
The coffee shop is called Butch -N- Nellies Coffee Co. (and if you still don't get it, you should probably stop reading).
Here is what the place looks like from the outside:And here is a picture of their logo:
I've also made a friend there. Her name is Jordan and she reminds me a lot of my friend Amy, from my hometown.
Anyway, the people here are quite wonderful and the food/coffee is delicious. Plus, local artists get to hang up their art everywhere, so the place has a very laid back aura about it. It's also the only coffee shop that has provided consistency when it comes to wireless internet. So that worked out for the best.
Oh yeah and I have a new profile song. Check her out. Bonnie Somerville, she is good stuff.
Posted by DJ at 5:37 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
No Way, I'm Updating?!
Wow, it sure has been a while. Well, let's jump right in, shall we?
I spent my last months in Columbia having the time of my life. I've come to learn that the relationships I made at MU are ones that I will keep for life. There are just so many amazing people, experiences, ect. that are there in that town and I will cherish all of those moments forever.
Oh, and did I mention that I graduated? Sweet deal, huh? A bachelor's in psychology... what to do with that? Well, well readers... you will find out soon enough...
The summer, while not over, went by. Some would say too quickly. I spent the month of June living with my buddy Craig Davis. Mr. Davis is quite an amazing roomie, I must say. And so is Zipper, his cute dog and my best friend for the duration of my stay.
I also spent the month of June fretting over Mark leaving. Let me tell you, I became a total crazy, even though a majority of the craziness was just inside my head. We had a wonderful time while he was there, doing silly things like bike rides, movie nights with good friends, catching up with "Weeds" and "Will and Grace", graduation parties, birthday parties, summer choir, Pirates of Penzance. They were amazing times.
By the time the middle of July rolled around and it was time for him to head off to Portland I was sad, bitter, angry and happy all at the same time. He is starting a new life without me and of course it hurt... some of me is still recovering. But as is life... one must not dwell in the past for too long. I can honestly say I am happy for Mark. He is a wonderful person and I am honored to have him in my life, even if it must be in significantly smaller portions now.
So what did I do? Two weeks after that, I spent some amazing times with my friends back home in Troy, my mother and father and some special people in the Columbia and KC regions... and then I hit the dusty trail myself, also heading out to the West coast. Why?
My cousin Julie (and 40 of my 52 cousins on the Jordan side... no lie) live out in California... so I packed up everything that would fit into my car (something I made fun of Mark for just weeks earlier) and road tripped it to Sacramento. I trekked it through the worst state in the US (suck it Kansas) and stopped in Colorado for the night with Amanda. The following day, I made a friendly visit with the Anderson's and all their glory in Utah. Following that, I arrived at about 4 in the afternoon at my cousin's doorstep in Sacramento. And boy, did I smell... and I was tired... and hungry...
She fixed those problems and I hit the town that night! Lovely town, might I add. Imagine Columbia, MO.. but bigger.. and with palm trees... and the Terminator as the Governor... exciting, I know.
So, what am I doing out here? Not working like I expected. Places aren't exactly handing out jobs at this delicate time in our economy, so right now... I am floating. However, I would say that worked out for the best.
I write the rest of this, knowing that almost no one reads this and hoping that those that do happen to stumble across this keep their mouths shut! :-)
I want to do what DJ wants to do. What makes me happy? That is the question Julie asked me. She said I just glazed over while we talked about business, but as soon as music was brought into the conversation I just lit up with excitement. What am I doing here on the West coast she bluntly asked...
I don't know.
So, I've made a decision. I need to make money so I can even make it back to CoMo... but rest assure... I am coming back. Those who know Dr. Crabb... well, I have had some secret email conversations with him and he is in full support of me coming back to MU to get a BA in Music. And I am totally stoked. It's what I truly want to do with my life. I feel like I left Columbia prematurely... perhaps for the wrong reasons...
I am excited to live it up here in Sacramento for the next few weeks/months... I plan on being back in CoMo no later than October... and I plan on starting school again in January. I also plan on keeping this blog updated more since a lot of my friends are now spread throughout the country.
And I plan on living life for DJ finally.
Posted by DJ at 12:38 AM 2 comments
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Spring, Tassels And Pit Stains, Oh My!
The first day of spring and it has been a beautiful day, weather wise. It was even a tad bit on the hot side today… I mean, I got pit stains and I was actually happy about it because that means warmer weather is on the way!
My parents came up today and took me out to breakfast and to get my car inspected. We had idle chit chat about Chicago, the first of spring and the new Add 9 CD (which everyone should purchase for only 10 dollars). Then, when I mentioned my crazy spring break plans my mother shot me a look that read, “Bitch please…” and my father chuckled.
After convincing my mother I wouldn’t die or drown in the flooded areas, they agreed to finally hand over the credit card for the week. Yes!!
After that, I ventured off to my wonderful diversity class with a professor with whom I will attempt to keep in contact because he is one of the coolest, most down to earth people I have ever had the pleasure encountering. Definitely my favorite class here at MU and I have hands down learned more from this class than I have many others. Shame it had to come my last semester here…
When class was over, I walked to the bookstore, saw Jordan and we decided to grow up a little bit more and purchase our cap and gown for graduation. Sad day, eh? I have a dumb white tassel… stupid Arts and Science not having a “school” for psychology majors!
Fast forward to now… I am at work… updating my blog because I literally have nothing to do.
To top it all off, I have rehearsal tonight as usual and then a final Burg night before break… I’ll need to shower before hand though… silly pit stains…
Posted by DJ at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Coming Clean
I just got done cleaning up my apartment and my car. Both in one night, pretty impressive, eh? Mother and father are coming up for a visit tomorrow... so that is basically why things are extra clean, otherwise I would be in line for a stern lecture on how if my living quarters are clean, my life is clean, blah, blah, blah...
Nothing too exciting happening as of right now, I suppose we will have to wait for the real excitement next week, huh? :-)
Posted by DJ at 8:33 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I Have An Idea...
... for spring break 08. Never have I ever done anything exciting or cool for spring break... until this year. Are you ready? OK. Here it is.
I am going to pack up my car with a week's worth of clothes, some fruits and healthy snacks, bottles of water and money (and FINALLY my credit card... yes I have discussed this with my parents and I get to use the card for gas money). I am going to road trip... but to where, might you ask? Anywhere my little heart desires. I am thinking of being in the southern region, merging eastward, then north, then back around to STL.
AND guess what? I will be taking pictures and videos-blogging my trip EVERYDAY! Oh yes, the sleeping situation, well, if there are any youth hostiles, I will stay there for the night, otherwise I plan on sleeping in my car... or, if it’s a beautiful night, maybe outside! It's times like these I wish I had a big van with that ugly carpet that sides the walls, just like is Scooby Doo minus the pot... and the mysteries... and the dog...
I know, this is really strange and could be potentially disastrous, but the unpredictability of it all just makes it that much more exciting! I plan on listening to some great music, seeing cool (and maybe some strange) sites, meeting new people, faking accents as if I am from Europe, etc...
If anyone has any suggestions of where I should visit, tell me! I’ll even bring back souvenirs… probably in the form of rocks and other things that are free and nature oriented…
Now… who’s excited?
Posted by DJ at 5:28 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
The News
So I am sitting in Starbucks right now with brother Whipple (a.k.a. Tim Whipple, a.k.a. Tom Whopple...) listening to salsa... and I feel like I'm in El Rancho.
OK, totally random way to open up my blog. But onto something kind of serious.
It was empowering listening to Ellen speak. I often times find myself trying to separate myself from anything "gay" because I don't want to be labeled as some crazy queer liberal (even though those close to me know that I am). But this struck a nerve. I'm lucky. I'm lucky I live in a city that is at least semi-tolerable of homosexuals because there are plenty of towns that would have you killed even for suggesting that you were gay.
Is this really what those who fight for "family values" want? A 15 year old killed for sending a Valentine to another boy? This country needs a change. I know I can't do it by myself and I can't do it over night... but it needs to happen.
The gay community really needs to come together on these issues. Stop leaving the fighting to those who are "new" to being out of the closet and are in their "advocate" stage. Those that date the same sex but don't fight have no right to complain about our lack of freedoms. Apathy is what is keeping us down...
I'm not a second class citizen...
Posted by DJ at 7:21 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 1, 2008
It Hit The Fan
OK, so lesson for the week is the following: Never eat at Eva J's. Of course, if you have ever attended Mizzou, this warning is probably old news. I have been here for 4 years and I decided I did not want to head said warning. Bad move.
About 6 hours after forcing some poorly constructed nachos into my body, that same meal (with a slightly different consistency now... slightly) decided to haunt me again... by coming back up. Again. And again. And just when I thought it was all over... again. Furious at Eva J's and cramped over in pain, I decided bed would be the best option. Around 4:30 AM crazy me decided that I was still sick, so I drove to Wal-Mart, got some medicine... and a sweet tea... and drove back home.
Really, it was quite an experience and I ended up losing a few pounds... albeit not under the best conditions... but you live and learn right?
Time to go finishing cleaning my apartment (which is something I seem to do ALL the time!).
Until next time kiddos!
And stay far away from Eva J's! :-)
Posted by DJ at 1:52 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 28, 2008
While I Was At Work...
So… I am at work right now… and this is totally against the rules but I am done with everything and I have 20 minutes left, so I decided eat the clock and do a little updating.
I just started this book titled “The Commitment” by author Dan Savage. Mr. Savage has previously brought me to tears because of laughing so hard in another book titled “The Kid”. His writing, while a tad racy and edgy is very honest and for me at least, easily relatable. I definitely recommend his work to anyone who wants to learn about certain issues dealing with homosexuality while also getting a good laugh.
Tomorrow I have the privilege of performing for the Art and Archaeology department as part of a graduate student’s recital. While a great concept and wonderful music… our actual performance could leave a lot to be desired. I suppose I shall find out tomorrow if we are able to pull some of this music out of our musical butts!
Ciao for now!
Posted by DJ at 5:53 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Once More, With Feeling
I am trying the "blog thing" one more time. I have so many abandoned blogs just hanging out on the internet somewhere... I'll try not to lose this one.
I know, this is totally a lame "first post", I promise with the next one I will just jump right in there as if I have been blogging for months, OK?
Hugs and Kisses and Stuff,
Posted by DJ at 5:03 PM 0 comments