Bonnie Somerville - Winding Road

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    Tuesday, August 12, 2008

    Music & Age

    Today I spent some time getting back some old music that I had lost to my old PC. I downloaded every album of Bad Relgion, a guilty pleasure of mine.

    I have also recently discovered a new band (but not so new, they have been around since at least 2002) call The Devil Makes Three. They are very folky, they remind of a lot of The Shins.

    I also had a few email conversations with Ms. Harrell and she, as always, warmed my heart. You see, I am concerned about doing opera this year just because I will be a week late to school AND we have a new opera director. The last thing I want is to make a bad impression on a new faculty member at MU. After expression my concern, Ms. Harrell replied with :

    "I can grease the wheels with the new opera director, so will do that when I get the chance. You are just the kind of kid I like, so no worries about being silly or over analytical. Looking forward..."

    That is awesome! It's good to know that I have people who support me in this life changing decision, especially people who will be giving me a grade.

    Oh... and I turn 23 on Friday. I'm not really freaking out about it either. It's just 23, nothing to really get overly excited about. I'm not even certain what I am doing on my birthday, but I am sure I will let the blog know when the I figure it out.